
April 30, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday - April 30th

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish

This week's subject is Top Ten Words/Topics That Instantly Make Me Buy/Pick Up A Book  I have included an example of a book that I have bought that fit my words. What words make you pick up a book?

1. History - I love historical fiction books and I tend to go towards those books first. In Need of a Good Wife by Kelly O'Conner McNees
2.  Cozy - I seem to be collecting cozy mysteries and am always looking for a new one to buy. The Cupcake Mysteries by Jenn McKinley
3. Tudor - Another type of book I love to read is about the Tudors, I can't learn enough about them.  Royal Mistress by Anne Easter Smith
4.  Europe - If a book takes place in Europe then I seem to want to read it.  The Emma Harte Series by Barbara Taylor Bradford
5. Romance - I am a sucker for a little romance with a happy ending in a book.  The Innsboro Series by Nora Roberts
6. Chicklit - I think chicklit are fun light reads and enjoy picking them up While We Were Watching Downton Abbey by Wendy Wax
7. Holiday - Especially Christmas as I like to read books that have to do with Christmas to help put me in the mood at that time of year. Merry X-mas by Sheila Roberts
8. Beauty - If there is a lady dressed in a beautiful historic gown on it I will be checking it out for possible purchase. If the Slipper Fits by Olivia Drake
9. Titanic - I love anything and everything to do with the Titanic and have quite the collection of books about it and a always looking for new ones.  By the Light of the Silver Moon by Tricia Goyer
10. Time-travel - I have found that I like books in which the character is taken back in time and look or books that fall in that category. The Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon


  1. Ooo the cupcake mysteries sound fun! Ill have to look them up! Thanks for visiting my blog :-)

  2. Love the Innsboro Series by Nora Roberts and the cupcake series by Jenn McKinley =)
