
April 17, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish

This weeks topic is REWIND - pick a past topic you missed or want to revisit. I am going with the Top Tep OCD Bookish Habits:

1. Never ever bend the corner of the page to safe your place, use a bookmark. 

2. I match my bookmarks to my books, If I am reading a historical book, I pick a historical looking bookmark, if I have a bookmark from the author that wrote the book I will use that bookmark.

3. I like to have all of my books organized by genre, author and then size. I recently tried something new with organizing my books but not sure yet if I like it. 

4. I never leave home without a book - they are like a security blanket. 

5. No one touches or moves my books as they don't want me to yell - they say I am too picky about my books. 

6. I do not loan books out, I did at one time and someone cracked the spine by bending the pages back too far, the lending was over then.

7. I keep lists of books I want to read/buy someday. I have lists in my phone and email. 

8. When I go somewhere new I like to go to new bookstores to see if they may have something I can't live without. 

9. I always have my book next to my bed as I can't sleep without it there. 

10. I don't read more than one book at a time. I like to focus on the book I am readig. 


  1. I like your list, and certainly agree with # 1 !
    Always use bookmarks! =)

  2. This is a very interesting theme! I also only read one book at a time, at the most one non-fiction and one fiction. I feel like I would mix things up and be less engaged with each book if I read more. I definitely understand about the lending books, I only really lend books to my family (which very seldom leaves the house). Even then I feel a little anxious though and I keep telling them that if they break it in any way, they will have to pay, haha. Sometimes I have a hard time saying no though to friends (the few times they ask), I just feel so mean.
