
February 14, 2014

Sheila Roberts - Interview and Book Spotlight

Welcome to the next installment of my author interviews/book spotlights. I hope you have enjoyed them so far. 

I would like you all to meet Sheila Roberts. She is the author of the Icicle Falls Series as well as other great books. I have read about three of her books so far and I have to tell you they are fun reads that will have you smiling as you read them. Her characters are fun to read about and would make a great friend to have. So sit back - enjoy the interview and then I will tell you a little more about Sheila and her books. 

What made you decide to write the genre you do?
I love reading about other women, their loves, their lives, how they work out their problems. So writing about that was a natural fit. 

How do you come up with the names of the characters for your books?
That varies. I try a lot of names on my characters before I find one that fits. Sometimes, as in the case of Hope Walker in "Love in Bloom" the name choice is symbolic. 

Who designs your covers? Do you get any influence on them?
That is the work of the art department at my publisher. Authors don't have a lot of say when it comes to cover art so I'm grateful that Mira does such a lovely job for me. 

I know this question is asked a lot but where do you get your ideas for your books and how long does it take you to do your research?
Ideas can come from anywhere - something I see happening in the lives of the people around me, from my own life, the news, you name it. We authors always have our antennae up, looking for ideas. My book "On Strike for Christmas" was inspired one holiday when my husband was being naughty. I threatened to put him in a book and he thought that was hilarious. He was a little embarrassed when the book came out but has since gotten over that and thinks it's great fun that he inspired such success. 

What keeps you focused when you are writing?
Getting into the story. 

Who is your favorite character and why? How about your least favorite character and why?
I think one of my favorite characters is Hope Walker. I have a real soft spot in my heart for her, probably because she'd already been through a lot at a young age. I rewarded her properly at the end of the book. Least favorite? I don't have a least favorite. I love all my characters, even the naughty ones. :)

What can we expect from you in the future?
Lots of books coming out this year. Look for "The Cottage on Juniper Ridge" this March, followed by "Te Teashop on Lavender Lane" this June. Then, come Christmas "The Lodge on Holly Road" will be out and I can hardly wait for that because it's my new favorite of all my Christmas books. 

What is a favorite book or author you like to read or would like to recommend to your readers?
I adore Kristan Higgins. She's my new addiction.

Who or what influenced your love of books?
I think our local library was responsible. It was a beautiful, old Carnegie library and simply going in there was awe inspiring. It was so ... quie. And all the books, just waiting for me to check them out - it was like having access to great treasure. 

Is there someone who encourages you most in your writing? Who is it and how do they influence you?
Probably my husband. He's my number one fan. And my business partner. He proofreads all my manuscripts. 

When you are not writing what do you like to do?
Oh, I have a ton of things. I love to go dancing, love hanging out with girlfriends and playing games. I'm also big on tennis and I recently took up golf. And of course, I love to read. 

List five random things about yourself.
Love chocolate, love meeting readers, tend to always run late, am a big fan of chick flicks, need to lose twenty pounds but am just not that motivated. :) Oh, and here's one last thing. I enjoy visiting readers' blogs. So thank you, Angela for having me. 

Icicle Falls

You can check out Sheila's website for a full list of her books Sheila's place (click here)

Sheila Roberts lives on a lake in the Pacific Northwest. She’s happily married and has three children. She’s been writing since 1989, but she did lots of things before settling in to her writing career, including owning a singing telegram company and playing in a band. Her band days are over, but she still enjoys writing songs. Sheila's books are best sellers and often appear as Reader's Digest Condensed Books. Her novel "On Strike for Christmas" was a Lifetime Network movie and she has since optioned more books for film.

When she’s not speaking to women’s groups or at conferences or hanging out with her girlfriends she can be found writing about those things near and dear to women’s hearts: family, friends, and chocolate.

Thank you for stopping by. 


  1. Wonderful interview!
    I love to go dancing too!

  2. Better Than Chocolate is the one and only book I read by Sheila Roberts. The itle intrigued me since I love chocolate.

  3. All her books are wonderful and humorous! I'm one of her biggest fans. They are all so much fun to read
