
April 7, 2015

Demise in Denim by Duffy Brown - Review, Guest Post and Giveaway

Demise in Denim by Duffy Brown
A Consignment Shop Mystery # 4
ISBN:  978-0425274705
Mass Market Paperback

It’s springtime in Savannah, Georgia, in the newest Consignment Shop Mystery from the national bestselling author of Pearls and Poison. The azaleas and magnolias are in bloom—and Walker Boone is on the run. . .
When Reagan Summerside turned the first floor of her old Victorian home into a consignment shop, she never imagined she’d be harboring a fugitive in her attic. But after a dead man is found in a bathtub and local lawyer Walker Boone is accused of doing the dirty deed, she suddenly has a new houseguest.

Having the lawyer who took her to the cleaners in her divorce settlement—and who has been getting under her skin ever since—in close proximity is enough to drive Reagan to distraction. For the sake of her sanity—and Walker’s freedom—they need to put their heads together to find out who is trying to get the lawyer out of the picture . . .
About the author: 
While others girls dreamed of dating Brad Pitt, Duffy Brown longed to take Sherlock Holmes to the prom. Today she conjures up who-done-it stories for Berkley Prime Crime and has two series, the national bestselling Consignment Shop mysteries set in Savannah and the Cycle Path Mysteries on Mackinac Island.

Author Links:

Purchase Links:
Amazon B&N Book Depository Kobo Google Play

Guest Post:
Demise in Denim is set in Savannah. It’s springtime, Walker Boone is wanted for murder, and no one knows where he is...or do they.
Savannah is like another character in the Consignment Shop Mysteries and spring the very best time of all to visit. It starts around the first part of March when it’s still a little cool then builds to downright hot in May. The tulips and daffodils appear first, followed by the pink, white, purple and blue azaleas as big as a bus then come the white magnolias the size of a dinner plate. The whole city looks like a Van Gogh painting and smells better than the perfume counter at Macy’s.
But that’s not the only way you can tell its spring in Savannah. Here are a few other observations that are just a little unique:
-The first day of deer season is a holiday.
-You switch from heat to A/C in the same day.
-You hear, “Hey, y’all, watch this!” as daddy starts the mower and you pray those won’t be his last words.
-You know if it grows, it sticks; if it crawls, it bites. Summer’s a comin’
-You help grandma with puttin’ in her tomato and okra garden.
-You start planning your vacation around the state festivals named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, insect or animal.
-You send out invites for the family reunions.
-You make room in the freezer for the other white meat called catfish.
-You know to keep an eye out for the 10,000 known types of spiders in the South, plus some no one has ever seen before.
-You know there are 5,000 types of snakes on Earth and 4,998 live real close by
-You take granddaddy’s shotgun out for a run.
-You think turn signals will give away your next move to the big sale to get a new sundress.
-You work in your garden till it’s too dark to see
This is how you can tell it’s spring in Savannah but what about where you live? How can you tell it’s spring in your neck of the woods? Let me know and I’ll give away two Demise in Denim totes from the answers. Happy Spring…

Hugs, Duffy Brown

Please stop by Escape with Dollycas (click here) to see all the stops on the tour


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi, Angela. Thanks for having me as a guest blogger. I just love the South. Savannah is so lovely this time of year. My daughter went to school in Savannah and I fell in love with the city. And the food is incredible. Have a lovely day and thanks for chatting. Hugs, Duffy

  2. I enjoy too many to pick a favorite cozy....

  3. My favorite was Tough Cookie by Diane Mott Davidson.

    1. Love the title!! Cozies got such great titles. Always fun

  4. It is impossible for me to choose just one favorite as I have favorite cozies regarding things I love, like consignment shops, food, coffee, tea, wine, cats, dogs and gambling/casino capers, books about books, and so it goes. For great technical writing in a cozy series I feel that Gretchen Archer does a wonderful job in her Davis Way Crime caper series with all of the technical research that she has had to do. As to fun characters, Duffy does it up right and she has me believing that Walker Boone really does exist somewhere in this world and I would love to meet him!!!! Duffy you are a peach from Savannah. Luv ya.
    Cynthia B.
    PS It is spring in MA when the show is only about a foot deep on our lawns and all we wear are sweaters at the most as it is too warm to wear a coat when it is
    over 35. And when we only have to go to the car wash twice a week instead of every day to wash away the road salt and sand, we know it is spring. When we see a patch of brown grass, we know that spring is only another two months away and when our so called spring flowers bloom in June or July. This is the truth, trust me. :)

    1. Hi, Cynthia! Thanks so much for chatting. Mass is a terrific place to live but the cold just keeps hanging on and this year it was horrid. Hang in there…Spring has got to come soon.

  5. When my daffodils bloom - like now!

    1. Yes, the flowers!! Our daffs are just coming out now. The earth smells nice and clean. Love it.

  6. Peach Pies and Alibis. Thanks for this wonderful feature and giveaway. Duffy writes such amusing, intriguing and unique stories. So talented and creative. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. Hi Traveler. So glad you enjoy the Consignment Shop Mysteries. Hugs, Duffy

  7. I have read so many I can't choose one.

  8. Cozies are so much fun! I can't pick one, but right now I am enjoying The Whales and Tales series by Kathi Daley.

    1. What a great title!! I’m sure it’s terrific.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I have quite a few that I like, so it is impossible to pick favorite: I love antique shop books, bibliophile mysteries, witch mysteries, etc.

    1. I love the antique shop ones too…guess ‘cause I love antiques. Book shop ones are always fun. Love that we have such a variety.

  11. I read a lot of cozies too. But a couple recent favorites have been Sheila Connolly's new series in Ireland--interesting setting for a cozy! And I always like good food ones, like Jenn McKinlay's cupcake bakery series. Thanks!

    1. I love the Ireland ones too and Sheila Connolly is such great gal!!

  12. I guess my favorite is the Agatha Raisin Series by M. C. Beaton. Thank you for the great post and contest!

    1. I’m finding out about all great cozy mysteries, MY TBR pile just got much bigger! Hugs, Duffy

  13. I can't pick just one favorite cozy mystery series. I have discovered way too many terrific authors (my TBR list keeps growing almost daily). Thank you for the giveaway!

    1. It sure is hard to pic a fav. I think the series we first get started on holds a special place. Thanks for chatting, Jen.

  14. So many to choose from. Like everyone else, hard to pick just one. I hadn't read cozies in a while so am devouring them now, catching up on series, falling in love with characters!

    1. The characters are the main draw in a cozy for me too. I truly feel like we are BFFs and I want to know how they’re doing.

  15. I'd have to pick The Cat Who... series by Lillian Jackson Braun because they are what got me started reading cozies.

    1. Hi Sue. Yes, that is a fantastic series. Love the characters. Thanks for chatting.
