
August 19, 2015

Granny Forks a Fugitive by Julie Seedorf - Spotlight and Interview

· Paperback: 252 pages
· Publisher: Cozy Cat Press (June 21, 2015)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 1939816696
· ISBN-13: 978-1939816696

Granny has a new weapon–– a pink pitchfork! And just in time! A trip to her old farm ends in Granny forking a dead body in her silo. When the body turns out to be Granny’s long lost love Robert Blackford, Granny is flabbergasted. When her devious twin sister, Amelia, the very person who stole Robert from Granny many years ago, shows up searching for her long lost son, Granny reluctantly agrees to help her find him. Of course, Granny’s fiancé, Franklin Gatsby, is concerned for Granny’s welfare and doesn’t like it when she goes out sleuthing––one of Granny’s favorite activities. So, Franklin starts to follow Granny everywhere she goes to protect her. But Granny is determined to find out who killed her former boyfriend, so along with her gal pals and her menagerie of pets, she sets a trap and soon––GRANNY FORKS A FUGITIVE.

1.Who or what inspired you to start writing? 
I have been writing since I was a little kid. I don’t know there is a who that inspired me. I think it was probably my over active imagination and my dramatic personality. My friends and I would write plays for ourselves and our friends and then perform them for the neighborhood so we inspired each other. And of course, what we wrote were mysteries when we were kids. When I was older I was in love with Harlequin, so romance entered into my writing. I also had a love of poetry after taking an English Poetry writing class, again my flair for the dramatic. I would write poems about my dates and boyfriends. I still have them. LOL

2. What do you do to help you get over writer's block? 
If I have writer’s block I have to stop writing and do something else that is creative, such as draw,
decorate, or visit a coffee house where they have some music and I can visit with friends. I am then ready to write away.

3. Do you have scheduled writing time or a certain amount of words you write each day? 
I am working on getting into a better writing schedule. The balance in my life was wacky and causing me to write with frenzy and then crash. Now I am working at Pray, Exercise, Write, each morning. I only started this the last couple of weeks and it works pretty good getting my priorities in order. I am more focused and more relaxed. I have some author friends that are doing this with me and supporting me and I can support them in their writing. We have a private Facebook page along with a few other friends, where we can support one another in our journey. My goal to be balanced is to write at least1500 words a day, although I have been known to knock out 9000 when I am lost in what I am doing.

4. Where do you get your ideas for your books?
Strangely enough at night when my mind is relaxed and I am daydreaming. Occasionally I will wake up with the next chapter in my head. Or my ideas can come out of frustrations in real life that I wouldlike to see changed in the way we live or the places we live and the rules that hinder us. I know we need rules, but I am a color outside the lines person and the rules I lived by and coloring inside the box all my life, almost did me in until I got the courage to be who God made me to be and not care if people didn’t like my wacky ideas.

5. When you are not writing what do you like to do? 
Too many things according to my family. I go in all directions. I love spending time with my husband, kids and grandkids. I love doing creative things with my friends and I love to try new crafts or artistic ideas. I like to read and I like to visit art fairs. My hands itch to go home and do something creative. I am never bored. I also like working on the computer being creative with graphics. Having said all that it doesn’t mean I am good at any of them but I enjoy trying.

6. What one piece of advice would you like to give to aspiring writers? 
Never give up your dream and don’t compromise your writing to try and turn the way you write into the way someone else writes. My Fuchsia Series are not your ordinary Cozy and they might fit into other categories. When I realized that I thought I might try and write less silly, but I decided I have to write what my heart says, and that is what makes my writing have my signature on it. I want to sell books but if that is my main focus, I lose the thrill of creating and writing another page. It can’t be about the money, it has to be about writing from the heart. No matter how old, it is never too late to pursue that dream. Just remember your dream might change and if it does you will be on a new path. Also there is a difference between a criticism and critical comments to make your writing better.

7. Who is your favorite author or book that you would like to recommend to your readers? 
I have so many favorite authors. More keep creeping on to my list. I can’t pick just one anymore. Catherine Coulter is always up there along with Kristin Hannah, Cozy Cat Press Authors. I can’t choose just one. Right now I am reading two very different books I would recommend. One is The Life We Bury by Allen Eskens and another is Before Amen by Max Lucado, but we can’t forget the Cozy Mysteries which my Kindle is full of and what I read most. I would recommend any of them by the Cozy Cat Authors because they keep me reading into the night.

8. If you could meet any famous person dead or alive who would it be and why. 
Robert Redford. I have always loved him and I would love to talk to him about the films he produces and is in, plus I always joke about it in my books and columns that I want to meet him. He is a talented man and of course, it doesn’t hurt that he’s good looking.

9. If you could visit anywhere in the world where would you like to visit? 
I think Switzerland or Austria. I would love a little place with a mountain view to sit and relax and write.

10. 5 interesting facts about yourself 
1. My insides don’t match my outsides. I have younger ideas and like younger clothes. My insides haven’t caught up to my body on the outside.
2. I have a secret desire to flip houses and repurpose furniture.
3. I have an ongoing problem with anxiety that I battle regularly. I try to face my fears.
4. I often feel lonely.
5. My best career was that of mother.

Catch up on all that is Granny by starting with Book 1 and enjoying the ride through the series:

Connect with Author Julie Seedorf: