September 29, 2013
Queen by Right by Anne Easter Smith
Queen by Right by Anne Easter Smith
Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9781416550471
Published: May 10, 2011
Synopsis: Anne Easter Smith's novels are beloved by reader or their ability "to grab you, sweep you along with the story, and make you fall in love with the characters." In Cecily Neville, duchess of York and ancestor of every English monarch to the present day, she has found her most engrossing character yet.
History remembers Cecily of York standing on the steps of the Market Cross at Ludlow, facing an attacking army while holding the hands of her two young sons. Queen by Right reveals how she came to step into her destiny, beginning with her marriage to Richard, duke of York, whom she meets when she is eight and he is twelve. Raised together in her father's household, they become a true love match and together face personal tragedies, pivotal events of history, and deadly political intrigue. All of England knows that Richard has a clear claim to the throne, and when King Henry VI becomes unfit to rule, Cecily must put aside her hopes and fears and help her husband decide what is right for their family and their country. Queen by Right marks Anne Easter Smith's greatest achievement, a book that ever fan of sweeping, exquisitely detailed fiction will devour.
My review: This book has been on my shelf for a few years now and I knew one day I would read it. Well a couple of ladies from my book club wanted to read it too so off we went to read it. This book was set in one of my favorite times periods that I enjoying reading about and learning more about. With that being said yes I did enjoy the book. I learned a lot about Cecily of York that I did not know, in fact I am not sure I knew who she was before I read this. What a very strong proud woman she was. Cecily endured a lot of sadness in her life with the loss of so many of her babies, but she kept her head held high. Richard and Cecily had such a love for each other which started out as a friendship when Richard came to live with her father. The friendship turned love was a rare thing in this time period as many if not most marriages of royalty was made for position not love. When Cecily lost Richard you just wanted to reach in an give her a big hug. Cecily was also lucky enough to have a very close friend and confidant in Constance which was her doctor. We were also able to see a soft side to Cecily when Piers (I think that was his name I have a horrible memory) jumped her and stole her ring but they caught him, she wanted to help him not punish him and he became a very loyal servant because of her kindness. I believe Cecily had a very level head on her shoulders and was able to help her husband in his life because of this, I am not sure her husband would have been who he was without her. Another thing that intrigued me was the addition of Joan of Arc in the story. This part could not have been left out though as it was a major part of Cecily's life and affected her for the rest of her life. I now want to read more about her as well as she sounds like a very interesting woman - more so than just the story she is famous for. Cecily was able to live long enough to see her son Edward find the thrown as Joan predicted she would. I don't know that Cecily thought anyone in her family would be king but she was happy when it happened. One more thing that I loved was the name given to Cecily - Proud Cis, she learned to not show her emotion in public and always held her head high and because of that she earned her nickname and people looked up to her and loved her. All in all a very good read for me even though the book was a large book to read, I don't think that anything could have been left out.
September 24, 2013
Winter of Wishes by Charlotte Hubbard
I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Winter of Wishes by Charlotte Hubbard
Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 978142011711
Published: September 3, 2013
Season of the Heart #3
5 out of 5 stars
Synopsis: As another year draws to a close in Willow Ridge, life seems to be changing for everyone but Rhoda Lantz. Her widowed mother is about to remarry, her sister is a busy newlywed, and Rhoda will be alone in her cozy apartment above the blacksmith's shop. An ad posted by and Englischer looking for someone to help with his mother and children may offer just the companionship she's looking for, but if she falls for the caring single father, she may risk being shunned by her community. Certain she can only wish for things she cannot have. Rhoda must remember that all things are possible with God and nothing is stronger than the power of love.
My review: I have this whole series and have enjoyed each one. I would recommend reading the books in order but if you don't have that opportunity you will be just fine reading this as a stand alone book. This book will keep you going right up until the end. I like Charlotte's Amish books as they are fun and quick to read as well as she really makes you feel a part of the Lantz family. With this book as was the same with the rest of the series I found myself looking forward to finding out what each of the family members were up to. Willow Ridge is a community I would love to visit. I also like how Charlotte describes the differences between the two worlds - Amish and Englisher. Winter of Wishes is full of strong but lovable characters, well described scenes to make you feel as if you are really a part of the story. I highly recommend this series.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Charlotte and thought I would share it with you.
1. What inspired you to write your first book?
Waaayyy back in the late 80's, when I was beginning to sell stories to confession magazines like True Confessions, True Love, etc., I was also reading Western-set romances that were very popular then. When I read one featuring Jesse James that contained a lot of faulty research (I had a special interest in Jesse because my dad's family KNEW him), I decided to try my hand at book-length fiction. It took a few false starts and rejections to learn my craft—back in the day before just anybody could self-publish books on the Internet—but COLORADO CAPTIVE came out in 1991, followed by five other romances set in the American West.
2. Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Because I'm writing two Amish series, with back-to-back-to back deadlines, I have to very careful about clicking into Yahoo "news" stories, Facebook, emails, etc. While maintaining a presence on social media is a must for BOTH of me (I write as Charlotte Hubbard and as Naomi King) and I love hearing from readers and interacting in several different Amish-interest Facebook groups, before I know it, I can lose a lot of time I had intended to spend writing.
3. While you are writing, do you ever feel as if you are one of the characters?3
Oh, I WISH I could be as resourceful and funny and industrious and faithful and unselfish as the Amish women I create. It would be such a gift to have the perfect come-backs and answers, as they do, exactly when I need it . . . instead of taking all day to get the words just right, as it does when I'm writing them.
4. Who is your favorite character from your books and why?
Miriam Lantz Hooley, the anchor character of my "Seasons of the Heart" series, is a favorite of mine because she's so practical and down-to-earth and funny. She's the mom all of us want, always believing the best in the folks around her, always having faith that God will work things out the way they're supposed to be. Yet she won't tolerate Hiram Knepp's underhanded ways, and she dares to stand up to him even though he's the bishop, and even though her outspoken independence flies in the face of Amish expectations about female submission.
My OTHER favorite character, however, has to be Hiram Knepp! He's so arrogant and self-centered, I get a big kick out of the way Miriam and her daughters—not to mention the two Hooley aunts, Jerusalem and Nazareth—outfox Hiram despite his intentions of putting them in their places. I'm getting a LOT of reader mail about Hiram, insisting that he get what's coming to him. In WINTER OF WISHES, and my next book, BREATH OF SPRING, those readers will see this happen . . . even though Hiram will never totally disappear. He's just too interesting and devious—a character readers (and my editor) love to hate.
5. I know this is an often asked question but I would like to know where do you get your ideas for what to write about?
Short answer: ideas are everywhere. The trick is to open your mind's eye so you can recognize the good ideas, the useful ideas, when they come to you. Often, for these Amish stories, I run across interesting real-life nuggets as I read THE BUDGET, the national Plain newspaper. When I'm devising a new premise for a book, or for an entire series, it's a little tougher to select characters with "good bones" for ongoing stories and layers of personality. And sometimes—as with the old-maid Hooley aunts—they come at me from out of nowhere. When those two gals showed up with their four little goats in AUTUMN WINDS, I knew immediately I was going to get a lot of good story mileage out of them. And they get their own romances next month, in AN AMISH COUNTRY CHRISTMAS, too!
6. What book are you reading now?
When I heard that author Barbara Michaels had died, so many of my writer friends raved about her books that I decided to read some. I enjoyed THE WIZARD'S DAUGHTER and am about halfway through THE CRYING CHILD now. While I occasionally read Amish romances, I prefer other types of stories for recreational reading—partly because I don't want to unintentionally copy ideas from other Amish novels, and partly because, after all day of living with my imaginary Amish characters, I like to visit other types of lives and settings when I'm not working.
7. Do you have any unique talents or hobbies?
My Border Collie, Ramona, is about as unique as you can get! I'm a herded woman, and she's my office manager and constant companion. She's 10 now, so it's nice that we're about the same speed and the same temperature—Minnesota winters are no big deal to us. We love the snow! I'm also taking guitar lessons, and I guarantee you that I'm my 20-something hottie guitar teacher's oldest (but most musically knowledgable) student. Also, I collect—and wear—vintage clip earrings and jewelry, because I'm too chicken to get my ears pierced.
8. Tell us five random things about you?
Several years ago I taught myself to play the accordion as research for a book.
My cousins from Pittsburgh, PA (where I was born) tease me about having a Southern accent. Hah—THEY have the accents.
I grew up in Kansas City, MO.
I sing in my church choir.
I love to cruise, love being on the water. (Yeah, I'm a Pisces.)
9. Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
THANK YOU, dear readers, for buying my books, recommending my stories to your friends, and for taking the time to contact me via email or snail mail to tell me you enjoy my work. Writing two Amish series means I often write for several hours, six or seven days a week—especially when I'm nearing a deadline. Hearing that my stories entertain you or touch your lives makes my time at the computer worth the effort.
You can visit Charlotte at her website here to read about all her books.
September 23, 2013
A Christmas Gift for Rose by Tricia Goyer
I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.
A Christmas Gift for Rose by Tricia Goyer
ISBN: 9780310336785
Published: September 24, 2013
5 out of 5 Stars
Synopsis: Rose turned her back on the man she loves after he assisted the Englisch during World War II -- only to discover she's an Englischer herself. Born in the midst of the hardships of The Great Depression, Rose grew up in Berlin, Ohio, in the arms of a loving Amish family. But she is overwhelmed by self-doubt when she learns she was born Englisch and abandoned when her family moved West in search of work. Was she meant to be Amish or would she have been better off growing up with her own kind -- Englishers? When the man she loves leaves her behind, Rose is certain he left her for good. Yet Rose discovers sometimes our greatest gifts are the ones we fear.
My Review: Tricia has done it again with the telling of a great Amish story and making you feel for the characters as if you knew each of them personally. I like how she blends two worlds and tells their story and struggles. This was a short book so it was a very quick read but it had just as much punch as a long novel. This book was inspired by a true story and what a great story to be told. If you are looking for a book to get you in the Christmas mood then give this book a chance.
September 22, 2013
A Talent for Trouble by Jen Turano
I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.
A Talent for Trouble by Jen Turano
Ladies of Distinction #3
Trade paperback
ISBN: 9780764211263
Published: October 1, 2013
Synopsis: For years, Miss Felicia Murdock's every thought and action have been in pursuit of becoming a minister's wife. When the minister she'd set her sights on has other ideas, she decides something in her life needs to change-and soon-before she wastes any more time pretending to be someone she's not. If that means spreading her wings and embracing a more lively way of life, who's to say nay?
Grayson Sumner, Lord Sefton, has had more than enough of spreading his wings and only hopes to settle into the life of a respectable New York gentleman. Prompted by some friends to lift the spirits of the disappointed-in-love Miss Murdock, he is surprised to encounter an adventurous young lady with an unfortunate knack for stumbling into troublesome situations.
Just as Grayson decides he's had quite enough of her antics, his past come back to haunt him and his presence in Felicia's life endangers her. As they work together to extricate themselves from this latest complication, will Grayson and Felicia decide they want to spend the rest of their lives keeping one another out of trouble.
My review: This entire series has been a fun series to read about. Felicia just like the other women in this series have been strong women. I enjoy how the characters make you have fun while reading their story as this book is full of humor. I think Felicia would be a fun person to know. She seems to find trouble no matter where she turns and I think this is what makes the book so fun. I also like the romance in the book it is just enough without being overboard with it. I look forward to the next book by Jen.
Rebellious Heart by Jody Hedlund
I received this book from Bethany House Publishing in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Rebellious Heart by Jody Hedlund
Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9780764210488
Synopsis: In 1763 Massachusetts, Susanna Smith has grown up with everything she's ever wanted, except one thing: and education. Because she's a female, higher learning has been closed to her, but her quick mind and quicker tongue never back down from a challenge. She's determined to put her status to good use, reaching out to the poor and deprived. And she knows when she marries well, she will be able to continue her work with the less fortunate.
Ben Ross grew up a farmer's son and has nothing to his name but his Harvard education. A poor country lawyer, he doesn't see how he'll be able to fulfill his promise to make his father proud of him. When family friends introduce hi to the Smith family, he's drawn to quick-witted Susanna but knows her family expects her friends to introduce him to the Smith family, he's drawn to quick-witted Susanna but knows her family expects her to marry well. When Susanna's decision to help an innocent woman no matter the cost crosses with Ben's growing disillusionment with their British rulers, the two find themselves bound together in what quickly becomes a very dangerous fight for justice.
My review: This book was a good one for me to read as I love books set in this time period. I had a hard time putting this book down, it was one of those books that just suck you in.I felt for Susanna because I can't imagine not being able to be educated. Susanna is such a strong character that I enjoyed reading about her. The author did a very good job of including history and romance in this story. This book is loosely based on John and Abigail Adams life which to me added to the book and story. I recommend this book to all.
The Miner's Lady by Tracie Peterson
I received this book from Bethany House in exchange for a fair and honest review.
The Miner's Lady by Tracie Peterson
Land of the Shining Water #3
Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9780764206214
Published: September 1, 2013
Synopsis: When Chantel Panetta's younger sister claims to be in love with Orlando Calarco. Chantel knows there is no hope. The Panettas and Calarcos have been sworn enemies for decades, and young love cannot heal the deep wounds between the two iron-mining families. Yet, unable to resist Isabella's pleas, Chantel agrees to help her sister spend time with Orlando...only to have a run-in wit Dante, Orlando's brother. The older, more handsome one.
Chantel can't deny the attraction that flares when she's with Dante. But when a tragedy occurs at the mine is there any hope that the hatred that has simmered between these two families might be resolved? Or will Chantel's hope for love be buried amidst decades of misunderstanding?
My review: This has been a great series to read and I love the history of Minnesota and all the families we have met along the way. In this story the family feud reminded of the long standing feud between the Hatfields and the Mccoys which I have always been intrigued by. As always Tracie's characters are very strong. In this book we also got a touch of Italy which I enjoyed. The author also does a good job of describing each scene so you feel as if you are right there in the moment. I also enjoyed the romance aspect of the book. A must read.
A Bride for Keeps and Love by the Letter by Melissa Jagears
I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.
A Bride for Keeps by Melissa Jagears
Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9780764211683
Published: October 1, 2013
Synopsis: Everett Cline will never humiliate himself by seeking a mail order bride. Not again. He's already been jilted by three mail order brides and figures a wife just isn't in his future. However, a well-meaning neighbor hasn't given up on seeing hi settled, so she goes behind his back to bring yet another woman to town for him.
Julia Lockwood has never been anything more than a pretty pawn for her father or a business acquisition for her former fiance. A mail order marriage in faraway Kansas is a last resort, but she'll do anything to leave her life in Massachusetts and the heartbreak she's experienced there.
Although Everett doesn't see how beautiful, cultured woman like Julia could be happy sharing his simple life, he could really use a helpmate on his homestead. Determined to prove she's more than a pretty face, Julia agrees to a marriage in name only. Faced with the harsh realities of life on the prairies and hesitant to explore the tentative feelings growing between them, can Everett and Julia ever let each other in long enough to fall in love?
My Review: This is the first book by Melissa and I look forward to many more by her. I enjoyed this book from the very first page. The characters were very well devloped and I like that Julia was a strong person. Melissa did a good job of making you feel like you were right there in the story. I enjoyed reading how Everett and Julia became so close when they both had come to the conclusion that would not ever have a happy marriage. Julia moved and married to get away from her life and Everett had given up. Proof love works in mysterious way.
I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Love by the Letter by Melissa Jagears
Published: September 1, 2013
Synopsis: Dex Stanton has never had much time for book learning. He's been too buy helping to provide for his family. Now that he's heading wet, Dex is hoping to start a family of his own. However, his attempt to acquire a mail order bride fails miserably when the lady writes back ridiculing his terrible spelling. Rachel Oliver may be the last persion he wants to know to what a dunce is, but she's also the smartest woman in town--and it's clear he needs her help.
Rachel Oliver has lingered in town for three years secretly mooning over Dex Stanton, but now she's done. If the fool wants to write to a mail order bride company, so be it. Once she begins giving Dex lessons, however, Rachel realizes she may not be prepared to give up just yet.
As their time together runs short, can two of the most stubborn people in town set aside their pride long enough to find love?
Love by the Letter is a companion Christian romance novella to A Bride for Keeps, Melissa Jagear's full-length debut novel available next month.
My review: This is a fun fast read and got me in the mood to read A Bride for Keeps. I like Melissa's way of writing and think she will be around for awhile. You will be able to read this in one sitting not only because of the length but because it is that good. There is not only serious parts but funny parts as well. Don't miss out pick this up today.
Forever Friday by Timothy Lewis
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review
Forever Friday by Timothy Lewis
Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978030773217
Published: September 3, 2013
Synopsis: Every Friday, a postcard, Every Friday, a love poem, Every Friday, for sixty years. Adam Colby i just doing his job, sorting through the unsold Alexander belongings after the estate sale. He is unprepared fo what he finds in an old photo album, overlooked by the bargain hounds and treasure hunters--six decades of postcards and poems from Gabe Alexander to his wife, Pearl. The mystery of the Alexanders' love entices Adam, a man unhinged by divorce and puzzled by the depth of commitment that he finds in the unabashedly romantic cards. Forever Friday invites you to travel back in time to the early twentieth century Texas Coastal Bend where a young couple-Gabe and Pearl Alexander-are swept up in a miraculous love. As the heartwarming, pulse-quickening story of their relationship develops through Gabe's poems, the Alexanders reveal a new way to consider what it means to be truly devoted to each other. Could the secrets of their love affair, laid to rest twenty years ago, hold the key to one man's future?
My review: I was first drawn to this book because the idea of finding all those postcards from years ago where a husband wrote his wife every Friday sounded to me like a great story to read. I was then pleasantly surprised when I found out how much it read like a Nicholas Sparks book and just like his book this book gives you a feeling a love as you read it. This is a great love story that is a nice weekend read for anyone. I liked the characters and thought the author did a very good job on his debut novel. I look forward to reading more books by him.
TIMOTHY LEWIS is an author and playwright. He has authored more than twenty plays/musicals. In addition, he teaches a beginning novel writing class at West Texas A&M University and co-directs a summer writing academy. Timothy is also a professional speaker, cowboy poet, actor, and songwriter. He drew inspiration for Forever Friday from the postcards sent between his great-aunt and great-uncle over a period of sixty years. He lives with his wife near Amarillo, Texas. - See more at:
September 17, 2013
Death of a Schoolgirl by Joanna Campbell Slan - Review and Giveaway
I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Death of a Schoolgirl
By Joanna Campbell Slan
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Type: Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9780425247747
Series: Jane Eyre Chronicles #1
5 out of 5 stars
Synopsis: In her classic tale, Charlotte Brontë introduced readers to the strong willed and intelligent Jane Eyre. Picking up where Brontë left off, the year is now 1851, and Jane’s life has finally settled into a comfortable pattern. She and her beloved Edward Rochester have married, and have an infant son. But Jane soon finds herself in the midst of new challenges and threats to those she loves…
Jane can’t help but fret when a letter arrives from Adèle Varens—Rochester’s ward and Jane’s former pupil, currently at boarding school—warning that the girl’s life is in jeopardy. Although it means leaving her young son and invalid husband, and despite never having been to a city of any size, Jane feels strongly compelled to go to London to ensure Adèle’s safety.
But almost from the beginning, her travels don’t go as planned—she is knocked about and robbed, and no one believes that the plain, unassuming Jane could indeed be the wife of a gentleman. Even when she arrives at the school, the headmistress takes her for an errant new teacher, and berates her for her late arrival. Most shocking to Jane is the discovery that Adèle’s roommate has recently passed away under very suspicious circumstances, yet no one at the school seems concerned. Taking advantage of the misunderstanding, she decides to pose as the missing instructor—and soon uncovers several unsavory secrets, which may very well make her the killer’s next target…
My Review: If you are a fan of Jane Eyre, mysteries or Joanna's books then this is the perfect book for you. I wanted to read this book first of all because I have been a fan of Joanna's since the days of her writing journaling tips for scrapbooks, then I saw it was a mystery book and set in Victorian London and I was hooked. Joanna did such a good job with the characters in this book that you can't help but think they are real. The mystery part of this book was done in such a way that you don't want to put this book down. I have to confess I have not read Jane Eyre but after reading this book it makes me want to go back and pick it up. Jane was such a helpful caring person that she is a person I would love to meet if she really existed. I am looking forward to continuing on with this series.
Thanks to Joanna I am able to offer a copy of the book to one lucky winner.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Joanna also is offering a grand prize that she says she will “mail it anywhere!” “Le Plus Grande Prize (ha-ha!) will be a Lowood Institution Lacrosse sweatshirt, a “Being yourself is the key” pencil case, a Jane Eyre mug, and a small Jane Eyre quotations journal.”
Check out this giveaway as well and the rest of the blog tour stops: Click here
Death of a Schoolgirl
By Joanna Campbell Slan
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Type: Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9780425247747
Series: Jane Eyre Chronicles #1
5 out of 5 stars
Synopsis: In her classic tale, Charlotte Brontë introduced readers to the strong willed and intelligent Jane Eyre. Picking up where Brontë left off, the year is now 1851, and Jane’s life has finally settled into a comfortable pattern. She and her beloved Edward Rochester have married, and have an infant son. But Jane soon finds herself in the midst of new challenges and threats to those she loves…
Jane can’t help but fret when a letter arrives from Adèle Varens—Rochester’s ward and Jane’s former pupil, currently at boarding school—warning that the girl’s life is in jeopardy. Although it means leaving her young son and invalid husband, and despite never having been to a city of any size, Jane feels strongly compelled to go to London to ensure Adèle’s safety.
But almost from the beginning, her travels don’t go as planned—she is knocked about and robbed, and no one believes that the plain, unassuming Jane could indeed be the wife of a gentleman. Even when she arrives at the school, the headmistress takes her for an errant new teacher, and berates her for her late arrival. Most shocking to Jane is the discovery that Adèle’s roommate has recently passed away under very suspicious circumstances, yet no one at the school seems concerned. Taking advantage of the misunderstanding, she decides to pose as the missing instructor—and soon uncovers several unsavory secrets, which may very well make her the killer’s next target…
My Review: If you are a fan of Jane Eyre, mysteries or Joanna's books then this is the perfect book for you. I wanted to read this book first of all because I have been a fan of Joanna's since the days of her writing journaling tips for scrapbooks, then I saw it was a mystery book and set in Victorian London and I was hooked. Joanna did such a good job with the characters in this book that you can't help but think they are real. The mystery part of this book was done in such a way that you don't want to put this book down. I have to confess I have not read Jane Eyre but after reading this book it makes me want to go back and pick it up. Jane was such a helpful caring person that she is a person I would love to meet if she really existed. I am looking forward to continuing on with this series.
Thanks to Joanna I am able to offer a copy of the book to one lucky winner.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Joanna also is offering a grand prize that she says she will “mail it anywhere!” “Le Plus Grande Prize (ha-ha!) will be a Lowood Institution Lacrosse sweatshirt, a “Being yourself is the key” pencil case, a Jane Eyre mug, and a small Jane Eyre quotations journal.”
Check out this giveaway as well and the rest of the blog tour stops: Click here
September 12, 2013
Eventide by Shelley Shepard Gray
I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.
By Shelley Shepard Gray
Genre: Christian Fiction
Type: Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978006220448
Published: September 3, 2013
Series: The Days of Redemption #3
4 out of 5 Stars
Synopsis: A young Amish woman harbors a difficult secret. Does she dare share the truth with the man she hopes to marry?
Elsie Keim doesn't want to be left behind. Her twin sister, Viola, and her older brother, Roman, have both found love and are building lives of their own. But Elsie? She's still stuck at home, being treated like a child. No one seems to consider her a capable woman-all they see are the thick lenses of her glasses, constant reminders that Elsie suffers from keratoconus and is slowly going blind.
Elsie knows there's much more to her than her disease. That's why when a new neighbor, Landon Troyer, shows some interest in her, she doesn't want anything to scare him away . . . even if it means keeping her condition a secret.
Landon is ready to start a new life and feels like Elsie may just be the right woman to start it with. But when Roman steps in and shares the truth about Elsie's illness, Landon is floored. His job is demanding and takes him away from home, sometimes for days at a time. How could he keep up with his responsibilities and take care of Elsie?
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Shelley Shepard Gray is celebrating the release of the final book in The Days of Redemption series, Eventide, by giving away FIVE sets of the series.
Five winners will receive:

By Shelley Shepard Gray
Genre: Christian Fiction
Type: Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978006220448
Published: September 3, 2013
Series: The Days of Redemption #3
4 out of 5 Stars
Synopsis: A young Amish woman harbors a difficult secret. Does she dare share the truth with the man she hopes to marry?
Elsie Keim doesn't want to be left behind. Her twin sister, Viola, and her older brother, Roman, have both found love and are building lives of their own. But Elsie? She's still stuck at home, being treated like a child. No one seems to consider her a capable woman-all they see are the thick lenses of her glasses, constant reminders that Elsie suffers from keratoconus and is slowly going blind.
Elsie knows there's much more to her than her disease. That's why when a new neighbor, Landon Troyer, shows some interest in her, she doesn't want anything to scare him away . . . even if it means keeping her condition a secret.
Landon is ready to start a new life and feels like Elsie may just be the right woman to start it with. But when Roman steps in and shares the truth about Elsie's illness, Landon is floored. His job is demanding and takes him away from home, sometimes for days at a time. How could he keep up with his responsibilities and take care of Elsie?
My review: Eventide is the last book in the Days of Redemption series and does a very good job of wrapping up the series as a whole. I felt so bad for Elsie throughout this book. Even though she is a strong women I felt as her struggles with her illness were sad as well as the the way her family felt about her illness and all she wants is to be normal, have a man love her and have a family. I feel Shelley did such a great job developing this character that you can't help but love her. This whole story is full of so many emotions but such a good read that you will read it all in one weekend. I think you should check out the whole series and connect with each of the characters and don't forget to check out the bonus pages in the back of the book.
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Five winners will receive:
- Daybreak, Ray of Light and Eventide by Shelley Shepard Gray
Don't miss a moment of the fun; enter today and be sure to visit Shelley's blog on the 23rd to see if you won one of the book sets!
September 9, 2013
The Bones of Paris by Laurie R. King - Review and Giveaway
I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.
The Bones of Paris
By: Laurie R. King
Genre: Mystery
Type: Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9780345531766
Published: September 10, 2013
Series: Harris Stuyvesant #2
4 out of 5 Stars
Synopsis: Paris, France; September 1929. For Harris Stuyvesant, the assignment is a private investigator's dream -- he's getting paid to troll the cafes and bars fo Montparnasse, looking for a pretty young woman. The American agent has a healthy appreciate for la vie Boheme despite having worked for years at the U. S. Bureau of Investigation. The missing person in question is Philippa Crosby, a twenty-two year old from Boston who has been living in Paris, modeling and acting. Her family became alarmed when she stopped all communications, and Stuyvesant agreed to track her down. He wholly expects to find her in the arms of some up-and-coming artist, perhaps experimenting with the cocaine that is suddenly available on every rue and boulevard.
As Stuyvesant follows Philippa's trail through the thriving, decadent ex-patriate community of artists and writers, he finds that she is known to many of its famous-and infamous-inhabitants, from Shakespeare & Co's Sylvia Beach to the Surrealist photographer Man Ray. But when the evidence leads to Stuyvesant to the Theatre du Grand-Guignol in Montmatre, his investigation takes a sharp, disturbing turn. At the Grand-Guignol, murder, insanity, and sexual perversion are all staged to brutal effect in short, gut-churning acts. Depravity as art; savage human nature on stage.
Soon, it becomes clear that one missing girl is a drop in the bucket. Here, amid the glittering lights of the cabarets, hides a monster whose artistic coup de grace is to be rendered in blood and gore. And Stuyvesant will have to descend into the darkest depths of perversion to find a killer ... sifting through The Bones of Paris. (from the author's website)
My review: I am going to start by saying that I have not read the first book in this series, Touchstone, but that did not stop me from reading this one. You are able to read this book as a stand alone. The reason I wanted to read this is because I love books set in Paris as well as mysteries so this had me intrigued. Laurie did a very good job in the research for this book, you could tell by the way she described the time period and her use of people from that time. I thought the author did a good job with her character development. Another thing I enjoyed besides the historical aspect was the suspense in this story. This is a book you won't be able to put down once you start.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The Bones of Paris
By: Laurie R. King
Genre: Mystery
Type: Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9780345531766
Published: September 10, 2013
Series: Harris Stuyvesant #2
4 out of 5 Stars
Synopsis: Paris, France; September 1929. For Harris Stuyvesant, the assignment is a private investigator's dream -- he's getting paid to troll the cafes and bars fo Montparnasse, looking for a pretty young woman. The American agent has a healthy appreciate for la vie Boheme despite having worked for years at the U. S. Bureau of Investigation. The missing person in question is Philippa Crosby, a twenty-two year old from Boston who has been living in Paris, modeling and acting. Her family became alarmed when she stopped all communications, and Stuyvesant agreed to track her down. He wholly expects to find her in the arms of some up-and-coming artist, perhaps experimenting with the cocaine that is suddenly available on every rue and boulevard.
As Stuyvesant follows Philippa's trail through the thriving, decadent ex-patriate community of artists and writers, he finds that she is known to many of its famous-and infamous-inhabitants, from Shakespeare & Co's Sylvia Beach to the Surrealist photographer Man Ray. But when the evidence leads to Stuyvesant to the Theatre du Grand-Guignol in Montmatre, his investigation takes a sharp, disturbing turn. At the Grand-Guignol, murder, insanity, and sexual perversion are all staged to brutal effect in short, gut-churning acts. Depravity as art; savage human nature on stage.
Soon, it becomes clear that one missing girl is a drop in the bucket. Here, amid the glittering lights of the cabarets, hides a monster whose artistic coup de grace is to be rendered in blood and gore. And Stuyvesant will have to descend into the darkest depths of perversion to find a killer ... sifting through The Bones of Paris. (from the author's website)
My review: I am going to start by saying that I have not read the first book in this series, Touchstone, but that did not stop me from reading this one. You are able to read this book as a stand alone. The reason I wanted to read this is because I love books set in Paris as well as mysteries so this had me intrigued. Laurie did a very good job in the research for this book, you could tell by the way she described the time period and her use of people from that time. I thought the author did a good job with her character development. Another thing I enjoyed besides the historical aspect was the suspense in this story. This is a book you won't be able to put down once you start.
Here are some links to purchase the book:
Purchasing Links:
Amazon: The Bones of Paris
Amazon: The Bones of Paris
B&N: The Bone of Paris
Google: The Bones of Paris
iBookstore: The Bones of Paris
IndieBound: The Bones of Paris
Author's bio and links:
Laurie R. King is the New York Times bestselling author of ten Mary Russell mysteries, five contemporary novels featuring Kate Martinelli, and the acclaimed novels A Darker Place, Folly, Keeping Watch, and Touchstone. She lives in Northern California where she is currently at work on her next novel.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
September 2, 2013
Murder of a Stacked Librarian by Denise Swanson - Book Spotlight
Title: Murder of a Stacked Librarian
Author: Denise Swanson
ISBN: 9780451416506
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Type: Mass Market Paperback (this is also available in ebook format)
Synopsis: There is no place like Scumble River at Christmastime, and this year, school psychologist Skye Denison has twice as much to celebrate -- and to do. In addition to the usual holiday frenzy, Skye's wedding is less than a week away -- that is, if the groom isn't too busy working to attend. The town's sexy new librarian, Yvonne Osborn, has just been murdered, and the list of suspects is piling up faster than late fees on an overdue book.Murder of a Stacked Librarian by Denise Swanson is going to be released tomorrow September 3 at a bookstore near you. This is number 16 in the Scumble River series and I encouraged you to pick this book up. If you would like to learn a little more about this series as well as her series Devereaux Dime Store Mystery Series check out Denise's website here. You may also connect with her on Facebook here.
Denise has been having a lot of fun on her Facebook giving us pictures of all things to do with Skye's wedding, from dresses to cakes. Check it out. It has been a lot of fun as it makes the story seem real.
Denise Swanson, the New York Times best-selling author of an award-winning romantic mystery series, began writing after coming face-to-face with evil. She quickly decided she would rather write about villains than encounter them in her daily life. She was also shocked to discover that getting a book published was nearly as difficult as vanquishing scoundrels.
Denise was nominated for RT Magazine's Career Achievement Award. Her fellow nominees included Sue Grafton and Janet Evanovich. She has spoken at hundreds of library events and other civic organizations. She has also been interviewed on radio and TV.
Denise lives in Illinois with her husband, classical composer David Stybr, and their cool black cat Boomerang. Unlike her protagonist Skye, Denise realizes she can never really move very far from her hometown. But several times a year she and Dave sneak away for a little adventure.
To purchase any of Denise's books you can visit Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books A Million or your favorite local bookstore.
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